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New point of sale : LOKAL #slowfashion boutique

February 22 2022 – Kristina ZOUEIN

New point of sale : LOKAL #slowfashion boutique
New point of sale : LOKAL #slowfashion boutique

LOKAL slowfashion boutique makes room for the iconic Kinamania derby - The Joplin - in its charming boutique in the heart of #Brussels at 18 rue des Eperonniers 18, 1000 Bxl.

I met Aura Maria Arevalo Rojas, the co-founder of Lokal via Karen Dumoulin, the Kinamania guest maker of the last pop up boutique edition on Place Saint Pierre, Brussels. I immediately fell under the spell of her ethics, her philosophy, and her authenticity! It is on two floors of a typical house of the capital, that Aura makes us discover collections of #slowfashion Belgian brands chosen with taste.

Have a chat with Aura, treat yourself to your pair of The Joplin, and have a good traditional Belgian waffle around the corner. Rue des Eperonniers is definitely a street that is worth the detour!

Rue des Eperonniers 18 - 1000 Brussels
Opening hours :
Tuesday - Friday 12h - 18h

Saturday & Sunday 12h - 19h