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Kristina's appreciation of makers and cultural heritage combined with Lebanon's rich history of handmade craftsworks pushed her to create a line of footwear handmade in Lebanon - THE SOFT LINE.

"I believe in people and it is only when I met a talented and soulful artisan named Naji that I decided to launch the project. Naji began working in shoe factories at the age of 14 during the Lebanese Civil War. In a poignant choice, his mother opted for him to work to avoid him joining the conflict."

The idea behind this project is to put Naji and his team's exceptional knowledge and skills in the spotlight.

The Beirut Explosion 2020.

On August 4, 2020, one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history pulverized the port of Beirut and damaged over half the city.

Since then, Lebanon, has been facing three mega-crises all at once: a financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the aftermath of the port blast.

The population experienced anger, despair and anxiety. The UN estimates that nearly half the population has been pushed into income poverty since.

A connection for life.

Why? Because Kristina was born and raised in Lebanon, and it is only in 2015 that she moved to Brussels.

"My love for Lebanon is indescribable, a lifelong connection. I couldn't say it better than both of those articles combined (sorry for the french 🙃) :

Diaspora. À toi qui rentres malgré tout au Liban cet été by Gilles Khoury

Lettre ouverte aux jeunes du Liban by Nada NASSAR-CHAOUL

"With this project, my aim is, in my own modest way, to give financial stability to Lebanese artisans and their families while putting their exceptional craft in the spotlight.” Kristina


Diaries Reportages

"I chose to introduce THE SOFT LINE - with a series of six mini reportages. The idea is take you on the project's journey, from idea to project launch.

Hop on! And if you'd like to share a few words, your thoughts, whatever comes to your mind, emailFacebookInstagram ... all the means of communication are here!" Kristina