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The Shoe Lines

The Atelier

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The Bag Lines

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The Kinamania flagship boutique

In the prestigious Royal Gallery of Saint Hubert, center Brussels !

Open Tue-Sun from 11H-19H

📍 Galerie du Roi 22, 1000, Brussels

Leather Stories

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Who is Kristina Zouein


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Fun facts to know :)

+++ It is through a failed romance with a Spaniard that Kristina discovered the abarca sandal style. This traditional Spanish sandal was the trigger to her shoe brand.

+++ KinaMania is a brand name with roots in 'menorquina', the alternative name for the abarca sandal which was originally handmade on the island of Menorca in the Baleares. The mania for Kinas is born from menorquina mania!

+++ The shoes have singer name and the subtitles refer to uplifting songs that align to the Craft Your Day tagline.

+++ The tag line says CRAFT YOUR DAY with two dashes. The two dashes symbolise the craftsmanship and hand-stitched design signature of the Kinamania fine footwear atelier.

X Leon Bullens

A collaboration with 12-year old talented Belgian illustrator Leon Bullens, aka Z.I.C.E.


X Palestinian refugee women

A collaboration with NGO INAASH, an association who's mission is to maximize employment opportunities for female Palestian artisans living in refugee camps in Lebanon.


X Lara Captan

A collaboration with Arabic type designer Lara Captan on the Kinamania iconic derby shoe 2022. Arabic words laser engraved on leather.


X Syrian refugee women

A collaboration with NGO The Ana Collection, an organization that aids Syrian war refugees.